We arrive in Kevin’s Office! Kevin begins to ask about Indimaru’s job history? Oh damn!
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The meeting wraps up by questioning the whereabouts of Giovanni. Meanwhile…
As a snide remark from the president, Derick tries to cool things off.
With Kevin and Indimaru taking their leave, The high ups get chewed out by the PMC Duo!
Kevin explains his plan for handling the content in the hard drives. He can’t ask his crew to do that extra work, maybe he can call someone to do it for him…And then Indimaru spoke. Where one should feel relief, he feels his stomach drop.
Kevin is ECSTATIC! He’s extremely thankful for Indimaru’s help. Hell he’s even being a little playful~!
Kevin and Indimaru take their leave, but It seems Kevin has something to say!
It’s time to go and Kevin couldn’t be happier. Just Ooooone more thing, says Dorjee.
The meeting is a wrap! Even though Staci would like to press further, Derick thinks they’ve discussed enough.
As Indimaru wraps up his story, Kevin starts to come to the conclusion that there be more going on here.