Wanting to step away from his college career, Indimaru Della Posta enlists at the newly converted Special Forces Organization called Black Sunshine. With the help of the recently promoted leader Kevin Hikahoku, Indimaru is placed under the Investigation Branch known as the Palette.
The Palette must work undercover to expose the organization’s newest business methods and connections to the Private Military Company, Penumbra Alabaster, a company set to return the members back to an abusive environment the workforce escaped from.

Our story is lead by The Palette. The surfer college boy, newest member, Indimaru Della Posta as Indigo. The unwilling workaholic, leader of the Palette, Kevin Hikhahoku as Crimson. The valley girl medic, Nozomi Yori as Fuchsia. The high class divo, Leon Roderick as Viridian. And The diffident biker, Ken Hikahoku as Goldenrod.
By day the Palette runs Platinum Plus Auto, an automotive warehouse and repair-rental shop, but by night the main crew fills the role of the organization’s investigation branch. It’s up to them to inspect the strange ongoing happening outside and within the organization!

Jasmine Simone
Freelance Illustrator
“Starry Eyed for Pastel Fluff and Bloody Action”
Carrd–Contact/Social Media Links
General email: jasminezerosimone@gmail.com
Comic centric email: blacksunshinewc@gmail.com
Jasmine Simone has always been interested in the art of creating characters and stories. While many characters and ideas were made and tossed around the one that always stuck around was the titled project Black Sunshine. It took years of hesitation and a full schedule to keep her away from starting, but on April 1st, 2016 she started the comic. Since then working on the comic has been a hectic ride of highs and lows, but Jasmine doesn’t regret making her choice to start.
“A long term project finally taking its intended form as a comic.
A glorified hobby, really. And that’s okay.”